It doesn't take a genius to guess that my reduction in blogging is largely down to the sudden increase of child care in this house!
Pip is gorgeous and is thankfully doing well and in fact growing too well. I find myself begging her to stay little to try and ease any onset of broodiness in the future!
With your first baby you're so excited as they hurtle through different milestones and stages, however I now find myself gutted to know that Pip has already got to 10lbs 7 oz!
Nemo is still totally soft on his little little sister and I've found that Pebble has also started to become attached to her giving her lots of cuddles and Eskimo kisses :)
At times I feel totally on top of things (one morning I found myself with 3 dressed children in the supermarket by 9am!) other times I feel incapable of doing anything as I find myself stuck on the sofa cluster feeding Pip. Pip is proving to be a pretty sicky baby and our bedroom has turned into laundry room. Washing seems to be washed and worn again before it even sees the inside of a drawer!
Feeding Pip has been difficult. Pip was born with a tongue tie, it was divided, and thankfully after a few weeks it's finally stopped hurting when she feeds!
We've been really fortunately to have many of our close family come to visit in the past few weeks. I was gutted to get mastitis on the week my sister and her husband came over from Northern Island though. It feels at the moment like we are in a happy but very tiring little bubble. Sad events around us remind me every day how lucky am I though it is very hard work. Anyway I'm sat here exhausted with some wine so I will just show you some photos and watch Harry Potter on TV!