Tuesday 10 June 2014

The never ending drama!

So in a huge build up to my husbands exam on Saturday we both thought life would settle down to normality. 
That was naive, my parents joke that I am a drama queen and it certainly feels like there's always something going on.
I'm been feeling pretty ill in the run up to the exam but carried on then Sunday came. I just couldn't keep any food or water down at all and ended up with the most horrendous migraine type thing. I sat in he dark putting hot tea towels on my head to try and help but it was one of those horrible throbbing ones that's excruciating when you move. My husband card the out of hours but of course the local one was closed and the next nearest was completely full up so we waited 6 hours for a gp to come out and visit. 
She was very lovely and admitted me to at michaels hospital we eventually got there about 4am! 
So I've been on a permenant drip since as well as various pain medication and anti sickness medication. 

I've taken photos for full dramatic effect!

(I have to say that IV paracetamol is miles better then tablets!) I still couldn't really eat yesterday but today I've managed 3 pieces of toast!

I have to say that having a bug has it's plus points, I have my own room with en-suite and a pretty pleasant view of Bristol  

This is because I'm deemed as infectious. My room even has a TV- although mine is broken! 

On the down side is that you're treated a bit like a leper, everyone has to wear a plastic apron gloves etc before they come in. When I commented on the nice red plastic apron I was told these were different from the white one to further indictate your risk! 

My isolation notice (please note I am in the 'nightingale' suite!)

This morning I was finally deemed as Uninfectious and exitedly headed out the room I have been in for so long. I went 2 minutes down the corridor before realising that the grass really isn't greener on the other side and nothing interesting existed outside the room! With that I headed back! I felt quite proud of my Uninfectious status until the tea lady came round. She put on an apron and gloves before offering me tea. I proudly said I wasn't in isolation anymore and she said I know but I think I'll wear it anyway! Gutted!
I can forgive her as she did bring me tea and shortbread!

I've really been missing Nemo and my husband, I was so unwell yesterday to be truly honest I was happy with the quiet but as I've felt better I've felt so desperate to see then. My husband brought Nemo for a flash visit this morning (I can by-pass visiting hours because Nemo needs breast feeding). It made me so happy to see them.

I'm hoping to be discharged late this afternoon and can't wait to see them both then. Meanwhile Nemo is having his first day at the child minder. Unfortunately my husband has been off the last two weeks on study leave so this has been terrible timing for him to be off more. Hopefully he'll be able to get some work down with Nemo out of the house! 

My dad is coming down tonight and my mum is coming the day afterwards to help out which will really make a difference.

Hospital food (although I've not been able to eat very much) hasn't been too bad. 
Raspberry sponge 

Chicken curry (with mash potato because they had no rice!) 

The portion sizes aren't overwelming generous but I imagine a lot of other like me don't have the largest appetite right now.
I'm looking forward to turkey in gravely with roast potatoes for lunch but I wonder if I'm being overly optimistic about it- in hindsight mass produced roast potatoes aren't usually great. Perhaps I should have gone with the mash- it tasted good yesterday- even with the curry! 

At 3am the nurse changed my drip but unfortunately this woke me up and I've been awake since then. Because I'm feeling better boredom has definitely hit and I've tried to think of innovative ways to entertain myself with the sparse things nearby.

The outside of a sick bowl becomes a hat! 

And the inside I just doodled on!

I have also spent far too much time trying to get a good photo of my room mate 
Have you ever tried taking a picture of an ant? They are amazingly fast! 

I have to say that the staff here have been really lovely to me. There are aome extra nice things about St Michaels instead of Southmead which namely is the towels. At Southmead you only get these ridiculous hand towels -nothing bigger. This meant that when I was 42 weeks pregnant and in labour I had to attempt to cover myself up with several of these (this failed badly but that's another story!) here are my two massive towels 



  1. oh dear bec! how are you feeling, are you home yet?
    seems like there is never any rest! hope your feeling much better soon! x

  2. hospital food doesnt seem to be too bad, i used to like the ice cream it came in small yogurt pots! digestive biscuit and horlicks went down quite well too!!
