Wednesday 30 November 2016

Christmas is coming, Mummy's getting fat!

As a child we used to sing a little variation of "Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat" instead singing "Christmas is coming, Mummy's getting fat"! 
This was not meant unkindly, as it may seem, but was a joke from a time where my Mum (having had 4 children) was often pregnant at Christmas. 
Well this year, like the turkey, I am fattening up nicely as I am now 16 weeks pregnant! 
Being gluttons for punishment and just not being able to resist having a tiny one again we thought 'why have 2 children when you can have 3!'

We announced our pregnancy a little later this time and had a long time to consider the announcement. You may or may not remember my second pregnancy announcement and the absolute headache it was getting a then 10 month old Nemo and Poppy to pose nicely! (You can read about it here! )

We had lots of ideas but after several failed attempts to get the children (namely Pebble) to be at all cooperative we decided to go with the easy option instead. 

So hello Baby Pip! 
This pregnancy has of course already had its dramas but everything is settled now and going well. (Albeit my issues with my hips I had last pregnancy have already started to creep in.....) The scan was very quick as the sonographer said the baby was very chilled! Hopefully this bodes well for the future! 

The title of my blog- "the mum, the dog and the baby" seems a little ridiculous now that before too long there will be 3 children in our house. Nemo is super excited but is very invested in the idea that this baby will be a boy... Pebble doesn't really understand the concept but has now got into the habit of touching her tummy and saying "baby!" 

Meanwhile Christmas preparations continue, the house has now been christmasfied! It's been lovely to get out some of the things I spent hours crafting over last year, we now have 3 wreaths in our house, the winter one, Christmas one and Autumn one (I can not yet part with this one as I spent so long on it!) 
The winter wreath now has some extra sparkly bits that arrived in the post, it looks so pretty in the doors with the frosty garden behind it. 

Christmas wreath has been out above out fireplace. 

Unfortunately Nemo has been a little unwell and after school got rather disturbed by his viral rash (!!) I was told to keep him at home. I appeased him by letting him 'help' me decorate the tree. 
Nemo's taste is a little different to my own.... 

Nemo wasn't too impressed when I took his cars off, I didn't want to be one of those parents who redoes the Christmas tree after their children have decorated but I'll try again next Christmas! 

Pebble loves the Christmas tree and this year she is old enough to listen to me when I tell her not to take everything off! (I get one year of this before Pip is causing chaos next Christmas!) 

I have been enjoying the beautiful frost and am keeping my fingers crossed for some snow. Frost just makes everything look beautiful. 

We have also had some really beautiful skies

The cold weather has seen us making full advantages of the many blankets we have in our house! 

Lucy from the attic24 blog is releasing a new crochet blanket inspired by heather on the Yorkshire moors, I am very excited! 

Project: Christmas-feeding the masses is under way. Today I made 90 Christmas cocktail sausages, recipe curtesy of Nigella Lawson- I love her Christmas book. 

They smelt amazing bubbling away in the oven.

Now I somehow managed to avoid even eatting 1 as I have become concerned that 90 isn't enough. Now I've done my maths, I'm using them for two meals that will combined mean 14 adult portions and 6 child portions. Allowing for the adults to have 5 each and the children to have 3 each (keeping it in mind there will be a full roast dinner with this) there will still be 2 left over. But seeing them in the pan, it just didn't seem like enough! 
They are now living in the freezer with the muffins! 

I am also slowly buying things and stashing them above the kitchen cupboards

This weekend sees us doing some more Christmas baking and cooking but before I leave you I thoughts I'd show you and cute photo and a funny photo. 

Here are Nemo and Pebble looking very sweet! 

I stumbled across Lego man on the kitchen table in a interesting juxtaposition with a stacking toy! At least Lego man looks happy!!,

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