Sunday 15 December 2013

New discoveries

So Nemo has been rather busy this week.
On Thursday he demonstrated his objection to tummy time but rolling over from his front to his back. I was pretty amazed as he did it straight away and has never done this before. However when I put him on his tummy again so I could try and film it for his Dad Nemo decided to not cooperate and just facebang the floor. I always think Nemo likes to show who's boss! 
Here he is looking pretty impressed with himself afterwards! 

Nemo has also today sat up properly, he has done this before for a few seconds but today whilst transfixed on the tv he sat all on his own for ages! 

In other news Nemo has been unwell with an ear infection, the doctor told us that it's probably a virus but said as we left the room that it's probably not asthma. We now have an inhaler for Nemo and it looks a bit scarey!
Hopefully Nemo will get better soon-he's not a massive fan of the mask!

Nemo now knows that he enjoys carrot purée but isn't so keen on pear. I have felt like a proper mummy preparing massive batches of purée and freezing them in little pots. 

Nemo has made one other discovery this week- that he has feet and that he can move them and that they are very interesting. Facinated and intreged by this his feet he is always grabbing and playing with them! it's very sweet :) 

I have been busy preparing for Christmas which seems to have crept up so quickly this year! But here is one last picture of al my babies together :) 

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this Beckie :) You're a really good, funny writer and Nemo is just so gorgeous I want to stick my hand through the screen and snuggle him :) Glad to see the My First Christmas bib was useful too. He is so clever and strong rolling over and sitting up already, having been premature it always amazes me seeing small babies do what took me about a year. Also loved his Nemo hat! He's channeling his Auntie Lauren in the veg versus fruit fan definitely (although he might be a bit young for sprouts yet). And I loved how entranced he was with his feet, you capture his personality so well in words and photos. Please Mrs, can we have some more?
