Tuesday 21 June 2016

Location location location!

It's been 2 months since my last post. People have been asking about it. Well the reason behind the silence has been that in April we made a decision to move to..... 

Ok well a bit more technically we made the decision for Andy to work in Edinburgh. We had a great deal of stress and house searching (not easy when landlords don't like dogs and you live hundreds of miles away. Anyway we actually found a house in Berwick-upon-tweed; south of Edinburgh. 

I am ecstatic with the house we have. It's has so much room, such a lovely design, a massive gardens and even a log burner. Hubby has to get a train up but seems pretty happy with his quiet commute alongside the Scottish coast. 

It wasn't official for ages whilst hubby's transfer was confirmed so couldn't blog about it and thn once it was official I've been just a little busy packing up the house. We moved on Sunday and having tried to be so organised it seemed to descend into chaos when on Saturday our movers called saying they couldn't move us until Monday. Really really long story short we did move in Sunday but it did not do wonders for my stress levels! We had from different people in regards to the move but my poor parents featured majorly in the efforts! It's funny that however old your mum and dad still parent you! 

It's such a relief to be in our new house with all our things, having spent weeks clearing out, packing and cleaning. It's been a tough few weeks saying goodbye to so many friends in Bristol. Over the past 6 years we have met so many lovely people who have become an important part of our lives. However it is exciting to be starting a new chapter in our lives. I'm just hoping I can find lots of toddler groups here! 

The kids are so excited to be here. They love the garden and on the night we arrived they were both enthusiastically running around the garden in the rain! (Including Pebble who is now walking rather then crawling)

Nemo had his first pre school preparation session and had a great time. When we came to see the house in May we came to visit the pre-school and Nemo played so happily we could have left him there! All the Mums had to sit their children in a circle on the floor before leaving them on their own. Nemo was fine until all these children started screaming, at which point he became so confused and worried that he started to cry! To be fair the way those children were screaming I think I would have been pretty terrified! However when he walked in an hour later him was a very happy little boy who had clearly had a very good time. 

He got a book bag with a new book in to take home, here is is walking home very proudly carrying his bag!

The children were again playing in the garden. Poppy loves the extra space and has spent a great deal of the day rolling around in the grass.

Grandma spoilt the children and got them several thing for the garden including a wheelbarrow set and some windmills. 

Unfortunately Pebble took a nasty stumble on the paving stones and ended up with a bruise on her forehead and grazes on her nose and cheek. I feel so sorry for her however after a short while she was running around again!

 You can see that the ordeal hasn't affected her appetite! 

I have been frantically unpacking, so far the living room boxes are unpacked, as are the kitchen ones and our bedroom boxes. There are of course two wreaths unpacked already, my spring one 

(Note the fairy lights also!) 

And this lovely wreath a craft group I go to made for me as a leaving gift!

I'm off now, I haven't crocheted in around two weeks and I have this bundle I got for my birthday that I want to make a start on! 

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