Monday 17 April 2017

Easter entertainment

Walking, well it's not going well..... 
However with only around 3 weeks to go I am on the last leg of the pregnancy and the end is in sight. There are many things I will miss, I love having a tummy buddy and playing the 'what part of the baby is that?' game! 
However I do look forward to reacquainting myself with the view of my feet, losing the waddle walk, being able to breathe on my back, losing the heartburn and not having a sniffy nose! 

It's a good thing that this baby will be born shortly as my quest to busy myself with crafting whilst I wait these last few weeks has seen me start to knit or crochet some more 'alternative' baby things. 

First I knitted a pointed hat 

Then came a mermaid tail sleep sack... 

I got the pattern free from this website 

It uses this lovely wool

It's a lovely chunky wool so within a day I had completed it! 
So then I started teaching hubby to crochet to keep me occupied! 

He actually did really well with his double crochet stitch, however I think he still prefers playing games on his phone! 

So then because I was driving my husband crazy I started a shawl. A lovely easy pattern and with this beautiful colour changing wool. 

Unfortunately my tension hasn't been tight enough so having nearly completed it I realise I will have to undo a whole side of it to change where the center lies. It's been a few days since I realised I would need to do this but I haven't yet got to the point where I can bare to do it! 

Instead I went back to my photo project and have now sorted photos all the way back to 2010 so I just need to make the two final photobooks then we will be all caught up!

This Easter holiday we have been focusing on Nemo's writing. Nemo is many things, but definately not the most delicate child and takes a scribbling with pen in fist approach to drawing and writing if he can get away with it! We've been trying to encourage Nemo with his pen grip and the school use the phrase 'frog legs on a log' to help remind them how to hold the pen. 

Now Nemo can do it but needs reminding regularly! To be honest I'm annoying myself with the constant frog legs on a log prompts! 

So here are the photos of our progress.. (I've pixilated his Nemo's name writing) 

Apart from one bad day I think there may be some general improvement (perhaps I'm looking too hard!) However in a bizarre twist his little sister who I let scribble to her 2 year old heart's content holds her pen like this...

I mean what??? She also interestingly draws with both hands!

Well I guess Nemo is still only 3.5 and definitely has plenty of things he is good at. Nemo enjoys his letters we have now mastered all of these, aside from the g.

Nemo also enjoys his adding, subtracting and counting backwards so our kitchen walls resembles more and more a nursery! 

Nemo is so looking forward to school and is seemingly never entertained enough. He has bundles of energy!

(Nemo chose his own outfit hense the Christmas clothes!)

Well he seems to have boundless energy... Until he doesn't!

Little Pebble is finding 2 an emotional time. She is either a delightfully happy little girl or inconsolably upset. Time outs are proving interesting with her as when she has been told that she has 'served her time' will then rebel by insisting on keeping herself in time out! She will eventually emerge, just on her own terms!!

She's a bright little thing but has an adorable quirk of adding a 's' to almost every word she says. For example she will count like this: "ones, twos, threes, fours...." Etc etc. 

This Easter weekend we have been largely getting things ready for Pip's arrival. Hubby did some trips to the tip, I packed the hospital bag we scrubbed the kitchen floor, dug out the baby toys etc. 
Here is Nemo with the first thing he ever wore, crazy!

We of course did the obligatory chocolate cornflake cake making with the children 

Yesterday after church we did an Easter egg hunt for Pebble and Nemo. Nemo enthusiastically found all the lost eggs whilst Pebble didn't understand why she just couldn't tuck into the first one she found. Whilst the children were tucking into their winnings Mummy and Daddy had their eggs. 

My husband had a pretty massive egg.... But I beat him!

We paid a visit to the beach today
The children looked Iike mini Jedi walking around in their towel robes to keep warm! 

On the Pip front well surprise surprise the midwife measured me and the baby is now measuring a good size! With 8lb 11 and 9lb 8 babies I guess it was to be expected. I was thinking of having a competition for who can guess the gender and weight of baby Pip and was wondering what a good prize would be? 
Let me know if you have any good ideas! 

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