Thursday 13 February 2014

It's all about the teeth

So this week teeth have been causing our house some issues.
I've had a wisdom tooth which has partially come through the gum for I guess around 10 years now. I mentioned it to my dentist back in November and he looked at it and said it was impacted (growing sideways) and needed removing. 
This week I went to the dental hospital to have a consultation about it being removed. We had to wait around a bit as I needed my mouth xraying in one department then needed to see the consultant in another. Nemo was very good at first getting lots of attention from other patients waiting for X-rays however after about 30 minutes he started to get bored and ended up crying. I tried to feed him and keep him occupied with toys and walking around but he wasn't having any of it! Whilst I had the X-ray a nurse looked after Nemo outside and I could hear him screaming the place down! 
The X-Ray was a bit freaky as this mashine spin from one side of my head to another whilst I bit something. 
Luckily when we got back to the oral surgery department the receptionist said she'd mention I had a baby with me to the doctors and I was called through pretty quickly. 

When I got through a rather good looking young doctor (!) pulled up my x rays. He tried to get my medical history but I was rather distracted by Nemo moaning and my x ray. I will show you why:

I couldn't believe that angle at which my bottom right (bottom left on the x ray) was coming through! I also couldn't help but notice the wisdom tooth on the top right of the x-Ray. I've had some on and off pain and numbness in my top left tooth for again about 10 years but no dentist has understood why- my current dentist telling me I just need to brush it harder. Seeing the X-ray I suddenly began to get some idea...........

The doctor examined my teeth and went to get the consultant who came back saying that I not only needed the one sideways wisdom tooth removing but all 4 wisdom teeth and the 1 normal tooth the wisdom tooth it growing into. It was a bit of a shock and means I will have to be put under general anesthetic. I was told I would need some one to care for me for 24 hours after the procedure and would need someone to look after the baby. It's likely I will feel pretty battered after it so I feel a bit nervous. I also feel a bit nervous about the anesthetic, although I know it's a bit silly! 

Nemo has also been suffering with his teeth, he's teething at the moment and this means he is quite many at the moment and also biting (with gums!) when I breastfeed him. I've been reading about this and the general rule seems to be to stop a feed after biting down and refuse a feed for 15 mins or so. This is fairly straightforward at home but is difficult when we're out and about as Nemo gets rather cross and will cry very loudly! 

I've discovered teething crystals which are sachets of white powder you put in their mouths to soothe their gums. They seem to work for Nemo but it does feel a little bit like giving your child drugs. Someone I know from baby group says their family jokingly calls it "baby crack"! 
Nemo keeps getting these really red cheeks I dont have a picture which does them justice but here is a picture which shows some of the redness:

I have to say that whilst we have been having some difficulties we have had a brilliant week. But I will be writing another post about what else we have been up to :) 

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