Friday 21 February 2014

Practical crafting!

This week I've been a good housewife and been making some practical baby items. 
A few months ago a bought some lovely elephant fabric from the fabric guild on Leicester (this is a super awesome Aladdin cave of a fabric shop!) I eventually decided this week that I would finally use it for it's intended purpose and make a play mat for Nemo. 
I didn't do anything fancy but I think Nemo likes it 

With some left over padding I made something I saw on pininterest. 

This keeps the latch in the door but the fabric wedges the door closed. It is great as Nemo's door handle creaks when you push the handle down and also makes it impossible to bang when you shut it ( believe me I enjoyed spending some time slamming the door in different ways but no noise!) I am ridiculously proud of it- it's so simple but means I don't risk waking Nemo on my obsessive-check Nemo's ok- night trips!