Thursday 13 February 2014

Nemo's adventure to meet some friends

Well we have had a busy week but the highlight was my good friend C coming down to bristol for the day. 
We went to meet my husband for lunch. There I encounters the most complicated high chair I have ever come across in my time as a Mother. After struggling with various straps I finally got Nemo safely in however at that point realised I need to flip the table over....which you can't do when the child's in the seat already *facepalm*
We and C took Nemo to the aquarium afterwards. I don't think I've ever explained that we have called Nemo that name since I was in early pregnancy with him. There was something about this little thing floating around in my tummy which seemed to resonate with Nemo. The name has since stuck and I wonder if it will continue to be his nickname in years to come.

Nemo loved all the colours, lights and movement of the fishes in the tanks. We probably spent more time enjoying watching Nemo enjoy the experience then we spent looking at the fishes! 
This lobster is over 50 years old! 
I might be wrong but I believe this giant octopus may have been following Nemo around the tank (,aye he was a nice size for a meal!)
Nemo meeting a Dory fish!
Nemo meeting other Nemo's!! ( and yes of course he had to wear his Nemo hat!)

I love this picture of Nemo sitting at the bottom of a wall of aquarium. We all sat there for ages it was so relaxing, Nemo was just intranced by it.

After out trip we walked into the centre of Bristol to go to cabots circus. We popped into a couple of shops but spent a whole getting a drink from costa coffee. Nemo very much enjoyed my iced mango drink, I've think the cold felt good on his teething gums. 
Nemo also enjoyed drinking my mums lime soda on a trip to my parents recently. I have realised that whilst Nemo won't drink from sippy cup he will drink directly from a cup. This is probably good and avoids a step but it is a bit messy! 

On the way back to the car we all got soaked as the weather turned foal tipping it down with rain and hail with ice cold winds giving you brain freeze! Nemo was all nicely tucked up in his warm pram however and I did feel a little jealous! 

The weather continued to be awful yesterday so we went swimming. Nemo's underwater swimming impressed the lifeguards who commented on how natural and comfortable he is in water (must be living up to his nickname!) I think it's probably just because I have taken him lots from when he was just a few weeks old. 
Today I went to soft play and Nemo spent most of the time playing with his own reflection. 

Maybe one day he will have a brother or sister to play with- but until then he's always got the dog! 

I also started my valentines project which I will share with you after tomorrow!! 

1 comment:

  1. Nemo's so cute Bec, the mirror thing is fab! Sorry to hear re the teeth - and my gosh the xray is odd!!! hope it all goes as well as possible for u! x
