Sunday 11 May 2014

Stocking up

Ever since I got pregnant I am always trying to spread any impending cost in regards to Nemo so that I never had to spend lots of money at once. 
A few weekends ago realising that Nemo was now definitely in the 9-12 month clothes we went to another second hand baby fair for his 12-18 month clothes. We were really successful and got approximately:
4 jumpers,
6 long sleeved tops, 
5 t-shirts,
3 dungarees,
2 shorts,
4 trousers, 
8 long sleeved vests,
2 sleep suits,
1 wet suit type swim suit,
1 romper and
1 body warmer.
This came to a grand total of around £25.
Together with a few other bits I'd already gathered and I'm pretty much sorted.

Nemo's rapid change into an all moving baby has made us realise that he's growing out of his baby baby toys and perhaps needs to start to move onto older toys. We already have a few bits I've found including an ikea train set my brother and sister in law got Nemo, some mega blocks I brought cheaply from my local charity shop,

So far me and my husband have probably enjoyed these more then Nemo! 

We also have this fisher price play thing (?) that I brought second hand several months ago. It was such a good buy, I was a bit hesitant because I think it was about £10 but of all Nemo's toys it keeps it entertained for the longest. It has balls that you drop around the track, lights and music, Nemo's latest favourite thing to do it drop food into the tunnel. I discovered this after I found Poppy sniffing around it!

Wanting some more older toys for Nemo for a few months time we went to a new childrens fair in Ubley. I heard it was good by a friend because it's such a posh area. It was a 50 minutes drive but the drive was really beautiful. 
Ubley is this quiet beautiful posh village in lovely countryside so I didn't quiet expect what happened when we got in. We were accidentally very early and ended up in the front of a massive que (about 30 minutes before there were at least 30 people there). When we went in there are all these woman pushing past me grabbing things, one woman knocked me into the table. I was in disbelief. A lot of the woman seemed to be grandmothers and surprisingly there weren't many prams around, I never believed Grandmas would be so determined to get the best things for their Grandchildren! 

Never the less the items at this sale were good and I was happy with our purchases. 

These lovely wooden puzzles were £1 each.

 This was the most expensive buy at £3 it plays songs, has drum noises a microphone and keyboard. This is probably one of the most annoying toys made so I'm sure Nemo will love it!

At 50p this phone can record voices and play back which I thought was sweet!

£2 this pull along telephone has got more advanced then the one I had as a child is has a moving mouth and talks to you in again quite an irritating voice so again Nemo loves it! 

A 50p classic! 

A final bargain at 50p. 

I was pretty pleased with our selection for just over £10 we have some things for Nemo to grow into playing with. 
I cannot believe how fast he has grown, I did some salt dough hand and foot prints with him this week and was amazed at how big his prints were.
 After the fair we popped into the park with some friends and Nemo enjoyed playing on the swings

Nemo's not been very well, you can tell he's not great because apart from just having a cough and cold Nemo is off his food which is almost unheard of (as my mum will tell you she was amazed that he loved eating her Thai red curry last weekend!)
I made him some noodles but he wouldn't have any and just played with them instead- I don't think Poppy minded though!

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