Saturday 3 May 2014

Nemo's moving... Lots

So in the past 2 weeks Nemo has changed from a baby rolling around and almost crawling to a crawling standing and babbling machine. It was like Nemo turned 8 months and a light bulb went off. 
I have really enjoyed watching him crawl around. It does mean that now I see the house in a new light (although having a Labrador the house was already half baby proofed). The upside of having drinks knocked over regularly by either the baby or the dog is that Nemo can keep himself entertained for longer and I can contemplate doing non- Nemo activities.
Nemo makes two sounds (aside from moaning!) these are "wah" and "bah" I'm not sure what I can contribute this noise to, perhaps I could pretend he's trying to say banana? (a staple in our house) 
Over the last two days though he has a couple of times made a noise that sounded a bit like "mah" so I'm hopeful he might be saying mummy soonish!

Nemo and Poppy are providing to be a bit of a team. Poppy circles Nemo like a shark at mealtimes for Nemo's disgarded food and Nemo how likes to share his food with Poppy! 
Nemo and Poppy also bond over their mutual fascination with the vacuum cleaner. Nemo likes to chase after it and Poppy likes to watch it suspiciously following it around like the enemy. 

Today Nemo stood up unaided briefly for the first time ever! I have a feeling he'll be walking before too long as he can already walk a little with his hand held. 

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