Tuesday 29 March 2016

If you're hungry you'll eat a fruit!

Nemo and Pebble are permenantly going through various phases. One of Nemo's current 'things' is to say "I'm hungry" every two minutes throughout the day. I believe this came about from a film he is currently obsessed with; the old school Disney 101 Dalmatians film. Nemo requests this film every day. On it there is a puppy called Rolly who frequently states "I'm hungry Mother". The obsession with the film and the obsession with saying "I'm hungry" seemed to come hand in hand. 

Usually if Nemo requests food between meals I will offer him a selection of fruit or vegetable, if he doesn't want it I find myself saying "if you are hungry you would eat a fruit" or "you can't be that hungry if you don't want to eat ......" This is one of the many things I find myself saying from my own childhood. It's funny how you are saying something seemingly randomly and realise that you are just becoming your parents! 

Anyway me and hubby have been trying to find new ways of entertaining Nemo. He's desperate to go to nursery I think but his free place doesn't start until September. We go out every day but now that doesn't seem to be enough. In the late afternoon he will end up saying "go to soft play/ toddler group now?" Nemo seems to have endless energy and seems bored by his toys.

We decided to put into storage some toys which are unused and for younger children and to get Nemo and Pebble a play kitchen. Funnily enough on the same afternoon we decided to get a play kitchen one turned up on a local selling site. It's a nice posh one but being second hand (and a bit stingy with money!) we didn't pay a posh price for it! 

So then we needed some play food, naturally I decided to crochet it :) so off to Pinterest I went and found free patterns for all this food:


(Ever since my Mum made pancakes with Nemo whenever Nemo goes to the kitchen with my he says "make pancakes?")




Strawberry (excuse the blog name!) 




Chicken drumstick

Now I'm particularly proud of my bread and cheese as I couldn't find a free pattern but saw a couple of examples and worked out a pattern for myself! I'll write out the patterns in another blog. 

Here are all my crochet goods in crochet baskets! 
I'm always pleased to make use of leftover wool - I didn't need to spend any money to make the food! 

I'm currently making some grapes and hubby wants me to make a banana so I don't think I'm finished quite yet! 

1 comment:

  1. Love the new kitchen you have got the kids, Beckie. It looks brand new! I bet they will have hours of fun playing with that. And the crocheted food is fantastic too!! :)
