Thursday 28 July 2016

A mixed bag

This week has been an interesting one with some mixed emotions.
On Sunday night we kept the kids up waaaaay past their bedtime by taking them down the pier again. This time we saw seals as inland as the Bridge as well as the pier. 

Me and husband are thrilled to live in such a beautiful part of the world. 

Monday saw the new health visitor come around. 
My first visit from a health visitor when Nemo was first born was a disaster. She walked in half was through a nappy change. Nemo screamed for the entire visit, probably because in part I was too embarrassed to attempt to breast feed Nemo in front of her (it was still pretty tricky at that stage!) 
I was desperately trying and failing to settle Nemo whilst keeping up a conversation and it was just a nightmare.
This visit was completely the opposite. Nemo and Pebble were simply angelic, they cuddled me nicely, Nemo was chatty, they both played peacefully and by the end the health visitor had a police hat, sword and flower necklace on! Thank you children! 

Me and hubby had decided to draw the line at Nemo's third birthday and take a more persuasive tack to get him potty training (as we suspect may be avoiding it out of laziness rather then lack of ability...) But on Monday afternoon Nemo decided he wanted onto wear pants on (something he has wanted to do on occasion) so I decided just to start potty training in the hope that by his birthday next week he may be mostly dry. 
Well Tuesday and Wednesday's saw many many wet pants but nothing in the potty. Today has gone better with two successes (albeit one of them was a bit flukey as I had stuck him on the potty 10 minutes having thought he may need one soon). 

Yesterday Pebble and Nemo had their first play date. Nemo was unindated with 3 extra girls of top of Pebble to share his toys with! I was a little distracted as Poppy dog managed to escape....again! (From the garden I thought was dog proof when we moved in!) she ended up embarrassingly as the same vets as last time having followed a lady round who was walking her two dogs. 
She unfortunately is on season so the timing is slightly disasterous, let's just hope here are no puppies in a few months......  :s 
Losing Poppy is just sickening as my head fills with images of her being run over by a car. 

To add to the stress I also got a text from my landlord mentioning the need to keep on top of the garden lawns. Thinking this was odd my husband called the landlord who said that a neighbour had complained about the length of our grass. 

Just to get this in perspective here is a picture from yesterday morning of said long grass 

Now admittedly having been exactly 7 days since we last mowed it the grass was starting to need another trim but is it not a bit excessive to complain to our landlord?

I know this is emotional of me but it really burst my bubble. Whoever complained has never spoken to us and we have only lived here 5 weeks (in which time we have mowed 3 times). It made me feel unwelcome for the first time since moving. I also got a lovely message from a friend in Bristol last night and it just made me so homesick for all the familiar things in Bristol.
Silly how a little thing can derail you (well me anyway!) 

Anyway poor hubby was sent out last night to mow again (he was going to do it at the weekend)! Whilst he was out mowing the front lawn the retired man opposite us (with an immaculate garden) came out and appeared to examine the length of our lawn so I wonder who may have made the compliant...

Of course I know there will always be things like busybody neighbours where ever you live and I was always going to miss my friends in Bristol. To cheer myself up I decided to get on with making Pebble her dress. I had for the first time actually bought a pattern.

So here it is finished 

It has these lovely big pockets (so posh is the pattern they are even lined!!!) 

I think Pebble looks adorable in it. It is very satisfying to see someone wear something you have made.

I will leave you to go and stick Nemo on the potty again! I will let you know how it goes next time! 

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