Thursday 8 September 2016

New chapter

This week is a big week for my little Nemo. 
On Wednesday Nemo went for his first swimming lesson. He was the first one to go into the pool and had such a lovely time. Me and Pebble sat on the side watching him and he was very enthusiastically joining in the games and splashing around. We went to get him and he was moaning because he wanted to go back in! During the lesson the teacher poured water over the kids heads and at one point he let them pour water on him. Nemo spoke about getting the teacher wet on and off for the rest of the day!

Today Nemo started pre-school. He spent the entire morning asking to get into his uniform and asking to go to school (he's doing afternoons). Eventually the time came to get in his uniform and go 

Nemo and Daddy having a cuddle.

Unfortunately the weather turned and a bout of torrential rain came which meant this was Nemo's first walk to school 

Nemo was very happy being left at preschool- he didn't even look up when I said goodbye too distracted by the jigsaw puzzles. Pebble was very content having time being an only child at home and getting all the toys to herself. Here she is on the walk to pick up Nemo.

Pebble is so funny she is very girly in many ways and loves teddies but she also loves whatever Nemo loves and therefore is very much into the trucks and dinosaurs. Thats why in this photo (though it's hard to see) she's holding a bunny in one hand and a truck in the other.

Nemo had a great time at preschool and cried because he didn't want to go! 
I love this photo because Nemo is counting all the boxes on the floor and Pebble in doing what she loves to do best- copying her brother! 
Pebble is at a stage where she's obsessed with Nemo. Whatever Nemo's doing she wants to do too. She finds him hilarious and follows him around! 

I took this photo because Nemo had got fed up of his car and offered it to Pebble, Pebble took the car and she offered her own to Nemo making a very cooperative exchange. I wish they were always that diplomatic with each other!

Last night Nemo gave us such a fright. Went to go and check on the children as we heard Pebble stirring and went in to see Nemo is not in his bed which is cold. Me and hubby frantically searched the house in a panic then found this scene 

Can you see him?

Look at him wedged in there! It reminded me of a photo my parents have of me when I was around 2/3. I went missing in the house one day and after a search I was asleep in the coal shed! 

Pebble is also a busy girl. She is now stringing 3 words together and adorably said "I love you" the other night. She says a lot of words now (though they tend to sounds pretty muffled). She loves being around people, she likes to 'help' me with the housework

She also loves making me cups of tea!
How natural does she look at that!?!?

I realised how big she's getting now when I sat down to do some puzzles with her and she instantly completely 2 without much thought or effort. Definately not a baby anymore!

Nemo's favourite game to play at the moment is hide and seek- although he cheats and hardly ever gets all the way to 10 he'll usually go "1...........2........3.....4...5.6 here I come ready or not" 
He always tends to hide in the came corner of the craft room but he recently learnt a new place. This had the problem that he gets stuck here!

Ok so I can't leave you without talking about this week's bake off. Being bread week I did focaccia bread with onion and balsamic vinegar topping (it's a Mary Berry recipe). 

Nemo wasn't as impressed with bread week as he was with cake and biscuit week but we enjoyed it with our spaghetti bolognaise

This bake off I learnt a lesson from last week....
I let the kids have a basket each!

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