Tuesday 6 September 2016

Wool and food!

Over the weekend there was a wool festival and a food festival. 
So first we headed early on Saturday to a wool festival in Alnmouth. Festival may have been a slightly misleading word for it, it was a hall with about a dozen or so stalls related. It was worth the trip though there were some amazing wool crafts there 

I think felting must be popular at the moment as there was quite a bit of it there.

Amazing button stand, Nemo loved them (you can see his little hand in the photo!)

Nemo helped me pick these ones. 

Lots of lovely wool.

This is a stand for a local wool supplier who uses their own sheep and alpacas to make it. They live in a village 10 minutes from us. The lady said you can go and visit the animals so I think I will take the children one day.

I got this wool to make a fancy knitted scarf. I've started it but keep on getting stuck on one bit. Think I may save it until I see my Mum for help!

Couldn't get a good photo of this amazingly intricate piece of lace work. I can't imagine how long it took her. 

I loved this stand, she knitted shawls in a way which made them look like fish nets. It was very sea themed and impressive. 

We drove back home, picked up Poppy dog then walked to Berwick for the second half of the day. There was a food and beer festival being held. It was substantially bigger than the wool festival but I did have to pay £4 to get in. (I objected to this because there have been many many advertisements in Berwick for weeks about it and I have never seen any mention of paying for entry!) 
Anyway it had lots of lovely stalls and quite a lot of alcohol! One stand had a goat paddock next to it. We went to stroke the goat and it took a big liking to Nemo. The goat kept gently nudging his face against Nemo's face and licking him! Nemo was in hysterics I wish I had taken a video!

They had lots of amazing food stands with foods from all over the world. We had actually had lunch which was a bit of a shame! 

This was my favourite looking standing- what a lovely vehicle! 

We decided to get a crepe from a stand, me and my hubby had one each and we split one for the children. 

As you can see the children were pretty happy with the choice of Nutella and bananas crepe! 

We took the crepes to the middle of the stands where some ladies were dancing. 

What we didn't anticipate is that the children with their faces covered in chocolate became one of the main attractions at the festival. Nemo gobbled the crepe down at lightening speed and was quickly cleaned up but People found the sight of Pebble (who spent ages tucking into hers) adorable and kept looking at her and laughing. (The man to the very right of the photo above spent longing watching and laughing at Pebble's crepe eating then he did watching the dancing!) 
I think we must have had at least 10 different people smile and comment to us about it! 

On the way home whilst walking over the bridge we stumbled across this

We'd realise at the food festival that Pebble's shoes were missing but had decided she must have taken them off in the car because surely one of us would have noticed two shoes coming off? 
Evidently not- lucky for us someone hand kindly put them to one side!

Nemo at this point, still not sufficiently stimulated enough said that he wanted to go to the lighthouse. Feeling that the extra walk after the chocolate crepes might be a good idea we headed there. 
Bit much for Pebble who fell asleep- with crepe still clutched in her hand! 
How adorable! 

She woke up in time for the pier though.

Well anyway I will leave you with Saturday's happenings as there's quite a lot happening this week to blog about! 

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