Wednesday 2 September 2015

Summer days

So as I mentioned earlier it's been the summer holidays so without the usual groups I have had to be a bit more creative with our day time trips. Nemo loves going out and has lots of energy so dealing trips out are a necessity. So this is a flavour of what we've been up to.

Lots of evening walks with Daddy. 
We get some lovely views on sunsets from the back of our house :

Lots of walks in the woods. I live these teepees :)

We have a yearly pass for the aquarium and being next to hubby's work we can meet him for lunch then drop in. 

In the entire aquarium this is one of Nemo's favourite bits...a plastic shark model! 

This year Bristol is full of these Shaun the Sheep models that are decorated differently. There were Gromit's on a previous year and they raise money for the children's hospital. Here are some more we visited.

Here is an amazing whale which has been erected in a fountain in millennium square. The waves are made from plastic bottles it's quite amazing. 

Nemo always has to come a visit this bug when we visit the aquarium. 
Also by the aqaurium is a lovely fountain type feature in millennium square where the children can play. Nemo has spent hours here over the summer. 

In the background you can see a metal wall which has water running down it.

Nemo and Pebble are getting super close now that Pebble is more interactive and plays. 

Here is Nemo feeding Pebble! 
A bit blurry but I love this picture of them both. I found Nemo crawling around on the floor with Pebble- they were both squeezing in delight. 

We have made full use of our garden this year, we have patio doors which lead our to our garden and it's been lovely to let Nemo roam in and out. Nemo has his Cousy coupe and slide from his first birthday, and a tractor, tent and trampoline from his second birthday. 
Here and Nemo and Pebble enjoying the trampoline together. I think Pebble will be being wheeled around in the trailer of the tractor before too long! 

We have visited some soft plays this summer,. My friend and I went to one in Portishead which was really good. I have not dared this too often though as if couldn't face the crowds that flood to these on rainy days in the summer holidays! 

Pebble has discovered a love for food this summer and is now very competent at feeding herself. Here she is eating watermelon. I was really concerned for a moment the next day when her poo was pink! 

We have spent a lot of time enjoying our local town. There is a really cute park we often go to (it is not possible to walk past it without going in without Nemo having a meltdown!)

Nemo also loves walking to see the bridge and the boats.
Even in the rain! 

Today we got the bus into town to have lunch with Daddy. When we were walking to the bus stop the river was so full:

When we came back about 3 hours later this is how it looked 

I promise that's the same place!!
I wish I had taken a picture of this embankment before but the water had risen up to the wall and had flooded into the field. I'm used to the river being tidal but I couldn't believe how quickly it changed. 

So that is a flavour of what we have been doing. We have had a great summer, it will be nice for our groups to be back on so we can catch up with people we haven't seen. 
See you soon! 

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